Take the Wrongful Convictions Quiz

REVISED: Thanks to our community, we reached our goal of unlocking $50,000 toward the fight for freedom! We greatly appreciate all who participated. While we reached our financial goal, together we can continue to raise awareness about the root causes of wrongful convictions and their devastating impacts.

Take the quiz, share it with friends and family, and view our new Resource Guide to help us meet our new goal of reaching 2,600 people with the quiz by July 31. Go to the Quiz

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Unlock a $100 Donation Toward the Fight for Freedom

Understanding root causes of wrongful convictions and their devastating impacts is an important part of the fight against injustice.

Take our 5-minute Wrongful Convictions Quiz and unlock a $100 gift toward the fight for freedom.

Share the quiz with your family and friends to raise awareness and help us reach our goal of unlocking $50,000 by July 31.